How To Do IRC Idling Properly


  1. An Internet connected server.
    • This can be a VPS or a on-prem. server you control that's accessable from the Internet. You could do something on your LAN as well, but that's up to you.
  2. Knowledge of IRC.
  3. Knowledge of tmux session attaching/detaching. You can read my quick article about it here: Persistent SSH Sessions Using tmux.


  1. Open or attach to a tmux session.
  2. Install weechat or irssi (recommended), depending on your preference.
  3. Open irssi.
  4. Connect to the server you want to join. Example: /connect
  5. Join the channel. Example: /join #blastwave.
  6. Detach from the tmux session and go about your day. Then, come back whenever and reattach.

Bonus article


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